Saturday, December 11, 2010

December provides great sunsets

Located on the Chihuahua Desert of New Mexico, the Florida Mountain rises from the desert floor to provide some of the most majestic scenes of the southwest.  Known primarily for its wealth in geodes, few pictures are made available of the flowers (for which the mountain is named) and natural wildlife.  I have been captivated by this mountain ever since moving to the area in 2006 and only now have the experience (and enough pictures) to display its awe inspiring beauty.
For some unknown reason the sunsets during this December are more colorful than most other years and I propose to capture as many as I possibly can on a digital card.  With camera batteries charged and tripod readily accessible I'm programing my DVR to record the evening news while I head out at dusk.  It is the West and us westerners take pride in readiness.  Here are a few recent examples:

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